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TRIZ For Education

The more the number of degrees a person gets, the better is the employability is what is believed even today if you go and ask any student in any engineering University. The result is very simple, they remain unemployed, even after securing high grades even after graduating from reputed universities. The harsh truth is education system in the modern era has degraded the imagination and the problem-solving ability that a student possesses naturally or has subsided his thinking prowess to such an extent that it really requires a radical jumpstart.

We are often taught in our engineering days of how important cost reduction, new product development, technology forecasting, planning, control, improvement is extremely important in any organisation to survive and thrive in the heat of the negating Albert Einstein’s quote. It’s become a literal standard that every student just wants high grades and bookish knowledge which the education system abundantly provides, however this knowledge is extremely insufficient when it comes to competition. Although the methods taught are primitive and for the most part industries use far superior tools which are just not taught to graduates or undergraduates.

Education systems called Gurukul’s in the past, in its very early stages heavily relied on teaching students through experience and making them face challenging situations since their ability to survive depended on it. They were taught to deal with situations using various weapons like bow and arrows, spears and even medicine derived from the plants to survive a wild animal attack.

They were teaching students to deal with OPEN problems. Problems that have multiple ways of approach and many countless solutions are called Open problems. However, students of the modern era are only taught to deal with closed problems, those problems with just one solution.

These are the same types of problems that are usually found at the end of chapters in textbooks, and they reinforce concepts learned in the corresponding chapter. Closed problems do not challenge the students mind applying his thinking, instead they test your memorisation skills.

But what can we do about it, is there a systematic method that teaches us to solve open problems and invent solutions ?

The answer is yes, TRIZ. It stands for the Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving and is a systematic Problem-Solving tool for inventions and inventive thinking.

What if every student from a university graduated with a patent or an invention on his or her name. Every university will want this. Not only does this increase the employability of the student but also directs him towards the goal of creating inventors and not engineers.

TRIZ Association of Asia promotes this school of thought by pushing methodology of TRIZ into universities as a part of their curriculum. We strongly believe that the TRIZ method, most definitely is one of the strongest methods for applying engineering skills in real life for companies and having a radical results in the professional life with a short amount of time.

Several universities have also opted for this option; for example Massachusetts Institute of technology, Boston has a particular course for TRIZ training of students having a few credits for the same. Another university called University of Twente, Netherlands also has started promoting this cause of creating inventors rather than regular traditional engineers by introducing a full TRIZ course into the syllabus.

TRIZ Association of Asia conducts several such awareness workshops into universities in India to promote the inventor subsided inside every student. Few reputed Colleges under Pune University, India, have started this course for the graduates and undergraduates. One of the students in these colleges came up with a solution for a social problem that has been prominently present in the city of Pune. The solution that the student developed was indeed a “wow” result that he not only patented but also made a working prototype of his system, just in his second year of engineering. His work was appreciated by the faculty of the college as well as industries who came for campus placement. In another Institute Faculty members not only realized how their existing patents could have been made better but also filed many new patents. In yet another Institute, students developed new products and won accolades at various platforms for innovation, some of them have initiated their startups and are providing consultancies.

TRIZ Association of Asia trains students in universities with their own projects to get such “wow” solutions that are disruptive innovations for industries.

Such an initiative not only increases the student’s opportunity for employment in reputed companies, securing the dream job that the student wishes to pursue but also a strong step for developing countries like India to be completely developed.

For more information & details, invite us for a Guest Lecture.

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